April Deep Learning Newsletter@Toronto Machine Learning Circles


Constant’s Site:

Perry’s Site:

THE MOST HELPFUL resource for Biopython: http://biopython.org/DIST/docs/tutorial/Tutorial.html

Some Biopython features

my_DNA = “GTTTTTGTACTCTCAAGATTTAAGTAACTGTACAAC” my_DNA = Seq(my_DNA,generic_dna) # convert string to Seq object my_DNA_reverse_complement = str(my_DNA.reverse_complement()) # reverse complement

There are also options for searching, transcription, and translation

  * parsing BLAST output: 

This is an example function that extracts pretty much everything from the blast records object. To see all options, use `dir(NCBIXML.parse)`, or check the help: `help(NCBIXML.parse)`

def parse_blast(resultfile): from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML result_handle = open(resultfile) blast_records = NCBIXML.parse(result_handle)

count = 0
for blast_record in blast_records:
    print "printing header stuff"
    print "blast_record.query", blast_record.query
    print "blast_record.query_letters", blast_record.query_letters
    print "printing descriptions"        
    print "printing descriptions"
    for description in blast_record.descriptions:
        print "description.title", description.title
        print "description.score", description.score #I think this is the best score
        print "description.e", description.e #I think this is the best e-value
        print "num_alignments", description.num_alignments #number of alignments per query
    print "printing alignments"
    for alignment in blast_record.alignments:
        print "alignment.title", alignment.title
        print "alignment.length", alignment.length
        print "printing hsps"
        for hsp in alignment.hsps: #Multiple hits means multiple hsps 
            print "hsp.align_length", hsp.align_length
            print "hsp.score", hsp.score
            print "hsp.bits", hsp.bits
            print "hsp.expect", hsp.expect
            print "hsp.num_alignments", hsp.num_alignments
            print "hsp.identities", hsp.identities
            print "hsp.positives", hsp.positives
            print "hsp.gaps", hsp.gaps
            print "hsp.strand", hsp.strand
            print "hsp.frame", hsp.frame
            print "hsp.query", hsp.query
            print "hsp.query_start", hsp.query_start
            print "hsp.query_end", hsp.query_end
            print "hsp.match", hsp.match
            print "hsp.sbjct", hsp.sbjct
            print "hsp.sbjct_start", hsp.sbjct_start
            print "hsp.sbjct_end", hsp.sbjct_end
    print "-----------------------------------"      


fn = “data/BLAST_output.xml”

Here’s what the output looks like: https://github.com/mbonsma/studyGroup/blob/gh-pages/lessons/Biopython/example_data/BLAST_output.xml


  * Running BLAST locally (on your machine as opposed to over the web)

Note: this won't work unless you install [blast+](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/guide/howto/run-blast-local/) and then add the blast+ directory to your PATH.

from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastnCommandline #help(NcbiblastnCommandline) import os

my_query = “data/spacers.fasta”

database = “DB_June29”

outfile = “data/BLAST_output.xml”

these parameters should be changed to meet your needs

blastn_obj = NcbiblastnCommandline(query=my_query, db=database, evalue=1, num_alignments = 100, dust = “no”, task = “blastn”,reward = 1, penalty = -3, outfmt=5, out = outfile)

stdout, stderr = blastn_obj() ```